Saturday, June 11, 2011

You as a teacher

Dear FLE 404 members,
In this assignment you need to describe your own teaching identity as an English teacher. To be more specific, you need to describe what kind of a teacher you are, what your likes and dislikes as a teacher are, your teaching style, your style of interaction with your students, your teaching approaches, your favourite teaching activities, your own role(s) as a teacher in the English


  1. As a teacher,I prefer to be kind honest and approachable towards my students and I prefer to be an knowledgeable and academic person in my own field. Also I prefer to be a professional person and I want to improve myself both academically and socially in my life.I like to get on well with my students like a close friend of mine. I dislike to teach all of my lessons monotonously instead of it,I prefer to teach my lessons with activities,games and puzzles so that the students can enjoy and pay more attention to the lesson.My own role as a teacher is to be a guide for my students.In this way,I can guide them for what they will do and how they will do then they will try and do their best by following my instructions. The best and favourite activities for me are the games for the lesson and the multiple choice type exercises related to the lesson.

  2. As a teacher, I am a funny and entertaining person. I play games with my students no matter what their ages are, but also be able to succeed to be a profesional. My students will learn English effectively with authentic materials and facts about the world. I am a funny person and try to make people smile all the time, so I also make my students smile and learn things effectively. I choose listening activities a lot and make my students talk about it because my students' opinions are important for me. Vocabulary teaching will not be a hell for the students, they actually will learn the words, not memorize it so they will not forget them easily, that will be possible with demonstrating, body language and gestures. As a teacher I am good at demonstrating and acting out, so my students will have fun and learn things at the same time.

  3. Deciding to be a teacher requires challenging achievements and necessities.

    I am happy to be a teacher, because I love to share my knowledge with people and care about people. English is the cornerstone of my life, thus I have a strong wish to achieve my students through English teaching properly.

    Besides,I enjoy interactive and dynamic side of teaching. It is never monotonous to be in teaching and learning setting. Everyday when teaching my students, I learn a lot from them as well. In other words, the communicative skills are needed in teaching.

    Also, the diverse profiles of students amaze me. It is always with the same people, on the contrary the setting and people always change.

    My style of teaching is combined with authentic materials by the help of technological devices. I enjoy using up-to-date subjects in my class. Next, speaking is very important for me. I pay attention to speak in English every time I talk to my learners both in class or outside.

    Interestingly, I believe that learners should be active in the classroom. Thus, they create their own understanding. I plan my lessons with the aim of keeping my learners active physically.

    All in all, I believe that I will manage to be an effective teacher with my achieved skills, goals and interests.

  4. As a teacher, I like teaching. I think, it is the most important characteristic of a teacher. Loving the job is the half way of teaching. I like helping my students when they are in difficult situations. I dont like to see them struggle too much when they are in my class.
    I am being very careful about the materials I use. I always update my materials according to current situations.
    Mostly, I like to use authentic materials inorder to take attention of my students. I also prefer to be having fun while teaching in order to teach better. I like to pass my sincere energy to my students. Therefore, the class ends up with creative teaching and learning.
    I love to spend time on designing my teaching. I like to use different kinds of materials inorder to enjoy and take attention of my students. I always try to be happy in fornt of my students. Even if I am sad, I dont prefer to show it to my sudents because I think that it is not what a Professional does. However, this does not mean that I am a strict teacher, I just prefer to have an emotional distance between my students and I inorder to secure my discipline in the class for further or current situations. Besides this, I am always ready to listen to my students’ problems and questions to help them in any ways. I can be friends wih my students but being friends does not mean to remove the boundaries.
    As long as I am a teacher, I would always be enthusiastic about what to teach and how to teach. I would never get bored preparing my lesson plans but if I feel like I am bored doing this job I would entirely end my career because I can not handle doing something that I dont like.
    I always make sure that I know the subject very well before I teach that lesson to my students. Besides, punctuality is very important for me. I try to be very careful about punctuality and also expect the same sensitivity from my students. As another point, I would always allow creativity in my classes. I would always be open for new suggestions about my lessons and I prefer to ask and love to hear my students’ feedbacks. My favorite teaching activities involve games, listening activities and speaking activities. I prefer to give open ended question types in order to have my students think and improve their thinking abilities.

  5. The focus of all teachers should be on the learning undertaken by students so that groups of students attain academic expertise, which necessitates teachers must to reflect the capacity to recognize those students who have doubts and need clarifications so that they can progress in class and the respective subject without any hindrances. In the rapidly changing world of globalism and technological developments, the needs of society play a crucial role in determining what is being taught and how it should be taught. For instance, the penetration of technology and computers in the lives of children now demands that traditional methods of teaching should be replaced by modern methods such as web portals and multimedia to educate children and students and make learning an interesting process rather than simply pedagogical.
    With numerous methods in place for teaching students including online learning, discussion boards for exchange of ideas and even the use of IPods to teach and instruct students, the methods used play a crucial role in accomplishing the purpose of education, depending upon the needs and requirements of learners. The transition of society to a great extent impacts the manner of education, for example, the recent augmentation of online distance education has made it possible for geographically distanced students to gain education from institutions of their choice.
    Teachers have a primary influence on students, and yield a strong power over them, with their distinctive teaching styles, attitudes and behaviors.
    In my opinion, the students would be empowered with not only academic but also moral education so that they develop the ability to function as responsible citizens of society and are able to develop crucial competencies to earn and lead a decent life. Education is not only important to individuals for personal and professional success but is a crucial factor in the success of nations as well which is why good teachers are crucial contributors to students’ learning. Economists have found that teachers who teach well will produce “a year and a half's worth of material” learning in students by using several strategies of motivation through effective “student teacher interaction” which is facilitated by “regard for student perspective” . In order to accomplish student interaction, good teachers allow for certain amount of flexibility in the classroom to facilitate student engagement. Good teachers also provide feedback to students through “direct, personal response” to particular statements by students . By making use of powerful and good teaching practices which are becoming increasingly important in the current society, I will be able to adhere to the “standards for learning” which “are now higher than they have ever been before” owing to the elevated need of skill among children, students, citizens and workers “to survive and succeed”

  6. I enjoy teaching, and I am a good communicator. Students’ understanding is very important for me and I am careful about giving enough explanations and illustrations. I am meticiluous person, and I can think and imagine the language activities over and over again before the lesson. I think I am good at time management skills, and I can adjust the time when an unexpected problem occurs.

    Being calm is important to deal with students’ problems. I don’t like shouting and yelling at students, and I think good teacher should primiraliy keep the classroom management through interesting activities. As long as student are interested in the lesson, they may not want to create a problem.

    My teaching style is that I like using authentic materials related to the world because they provide real communication activities. I like using computer in class. I find visuals are very effective in class such as videos and photos.

    My interaction between students is serious and friendly. When it is necessary, I can be a good friend to guide their situations.

    My teaching approach is that language activities should be contextualized, and it should be taught in English. Students should have opportunity to use what they have learned during the lesson.

    My favorite activities are language games, songs, scrambled sentences, role plays and choosing a new identity type of language activitities.

    My role as a teacher in English is that I love teaching English, and I love preaparing language activities.I believe that well-thought lesson plans and activities work well in language classrooms. Well-prepared activities help me conduct the lesson effectively.

  7. When I become a teacher my first and foremost job will not be to teach English, but to raise children. This is what drives me to become a teacher, raising good people. English will be my tool for this. When it comes to teaching English, I want my lessons to be full of discussions. I will do a lot of improvising when I’m teaching. What I like to do is to compel my students into thinking and creating and criticizing. I want my students to speak more than I do during that lesson. And I want my interaction with the students to be more like a brotherly mentor than a classic teacher. For the rest, I pay attention to details when I need to use them, so I cannot give specific examples of English tutoring.

  8. To be a teacher, not a job a hobby for me, is a way of my life and learning should be a very good activity for my students that they can enjoy. When I teach I want to put my and my student’s feelings in it because only with this way I can feel comfortable as a teacher. There is a saying that my father has been saying to me since I was a little child; `Everything that is done with love is beautiful!`. I put love in everything that I do so my education philosophy is primarily based on this sense which I can express myself in the area that I want to be specialized. In this paper I am going to explain my own education philosophy in order my students to learn better.
    I have a dream of starting each and every lesson with a song even if that day of class is an exam day. I think it makes my students to escape from the negative moods even if it is just a minute or two. This should be just before starting to my lecture because I want them to relax since learning shouldn’t be a matter that they don’t enjoy. As I explained I really pay attention to their comfort and individual desires. On the other hand considering the respect rules I let my students to have drink something in the class. It gives me a chance to see how they behave when they are given special permission. Another point is the body language. It is really important for me to use body language and physical motions as they help me to express my feelings visually. Therefore I don’t want to stay somewhere all the time. I walk, go to back side of the classroom or maybe dance when I would like to express something. Shortly I don’t set many limits to my behaviors.
