Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hot spots

In a discussion of teacher beliefs and intentions, Woods (1996)refers to 'hotspots' -that is, areas where a teacher's intentions or beliefs about ES/EF teaching don't fully match their actions. Do you have any such? Try using the following frameworks to make your own hot spot statements (you also need to provide further details about the issue that you raise):
a) I am pretty sure that ------ would be a good thing to try, but I haven't figured out how to work it into my teaching yet because----
b) I've read research which states that ----------- is beneficial, but I know I'm still doing ------ as--------.
c) I really believe in the value of --------------- and I'd like to incorporate it in the curriculum,but if I did so I'm afraid I'd lose my job/get into trouble/meet resistance from parents or students in that /in the sense that --------------


  1. I think,an English teacher should also act in the way that she has the beliefs and the intentions about his/her teaching philosophy.For example,the teacher who works in an Anatolian high school should both teach he lessons according to the current curriculum and her teaching methods in terms of what she wants to teach to the students and which of kind information she wants to teach to the students in addition to the information the students learned in the lesson.

  2. a) I am pretty sure that alternative relaxing and sportive English would be a good thing to try, but I haven't figured out how to work it into my teaching yet because the teachers may not feel that much free in Turkish schools, we need to obey the curriculum. However, it is one of my biggest aims to achieve as a teacher.
    b) I've read research which states that paying attention to lesson plan as much as possible is beneficial, but I know I'm still doing a more alternative way of teaching as paying attention to students' moods.
    c) I really believe in the value of creativity and imagination and I'd like to incorporate it in the curriculum,but if I did so I'm afraid I'd lose my job/get into trouble/meet resistance from parents or students in that /in the sense that I am not teaching English properly.

  3. a) I am pretty sure that teaching English with using different techniques like total physical response or using much visual things which based on the internet connection would be a good thing to try, but I haven't figured out how to work it into my teaching yet because in many schools in Turkey do not have sufficient technological equipments.
    b) I've read research which states that -preparing a contingency plan in lesson plans is beneficial, but I know I'm still doing lesson plans without using contingency plan as giving the last minutes of the lesson to the students as a free time, or playing games with using English includes more fun for them.
    c) I really believe in the value of teaching English with teaching English culture, routines and social life of them- and I'd like to incorporate it in the curriculum,but if I did so I'm afraid I'd lose my job/get into trouble/meet resistance from parents or students in that /in the sense that -teaching the target language culture can be understood as an aim of assimilation.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. a) I am pretty sure that not to speak even a word in L1 would be a good thing to try, but I haven't figured out how to work it into my teaching yet because I'm not sure whether it blocks the student motivation or not.
    b) I've read research which states that memorizing students' names is beneficial, but I know I'm still calling them as "you".
    c) I really believe in the value of "meaning" instead of grammar and I'd like to incorporate it in the curriculum,but if I did so I'm afraid I'd lose my job/get into trouble/meet resistance from parents or students in that /in the sense that I don't teach English properly.

  6. a) I think that evaluating my students by making them teach to their peers might be something worth trying, considering that for someone to teach something they have to be competent in that area. But the problem is that this might prove to be a little too difficult for some students. I believe that with some experience I will find a way to balance all factors and try this out.
    b) It’s hard for me to say that I’ve properly read any research on anything, but they say that it’s good to go by the books, and I don’t agree. Books should be no more than useful guidelines, though I can’t say that I have done a lesson that got out of the box, yet.
    c) I think that teaching ethics and being a proper person to students is more important than English or anything else. But as I think that laws and rules are mere guidelines and they are not always just, I might come across some opposition concerning my ways and my teachings.

  7. a) I am pretty sure that kinesthetic activities would be a good thing to try, but I haven't figured out how to work it into my teaching yet because the number of students in class is quite crowded in Turkey.
    b) I've read research which states that reinforcement for the appropriate student’s behavior is beneficial, but I know I’m still forgetting it or paying attention to do it in class.
    c) I really believe in the value of the integration language and culture, and I’d like to incorporate it in the curriculum, but if I did so I’m afraid I’d lose my job/get into trouble/meet resistance from parents or students in that /in the sense that I’m giving extra amount of information.

  8. a) I am pretty sure that using only English and not letting students to speak any Turkish would be a good thing to try, but I haven't figured out how to work it into my teaching yet because students tend to speak their mother tongue in order to make sure they understood the subject.

    b) I've read research which states that a little usage of mother tongue of the students’ is beneficial, but I know I still try not to use any Turkish words in my lessons.

    c) I really believe in the value of creativity and being open to new materials and things to teach and I'd like to incorporate it in the curriculum,but if I did so I'm afraid I'd lose my job/get into trouble/meet resistance from parents or students in that /in the sense I use classic methods and textbooks therefore the class does not get very enjoyable.

  9. I behaved like I want, did that I planned and succeeded my aims. However, I am pretty sure that not following the cirriculum in the program and doing my own class with my materials would be a good thing to try, but I haven't figured out how to work it into my teaching yet because the procedures must be completed in state education. I am an authentic teacher who does not want to be limited with the system.
