Saturday, June 11, 2011

Descriptions of a positive and a negative learning experience that you have had in the practice teaching

Dear FLE 404 members,
In this assignment, you need to describe a positive learning experience and a negative one during your practice teaching period that you think have played a significant role in your professional and personal development during your practice teaching by providing details and examples. You need to illustrate what you learnt from these experiences, in what ways these experiences are significant and critical in your professional and personal development and in what ways they contributed to you, in what ways you think these experiences have affected your teacher identity.


  1. Positive Experience: I learned that I shouldnt be afraid of the classroom. The students are actually attending to the class, maybe at first they do not, but even during the first couple of minutes one or two students participate and kind of motivate the other students too. I learned that the students are learning even though they are not talking and raising their hands. They still get the points that I am trying to make, which could have seen from the homework assignments that they did.
    Negative Experience: (11/FA) The students do not like writing in English. I should not have given them a writing activity because it was too long. I spent 20 minutes on the activity and I nearly begged some students to at least write a sentence. If I have a similar class like that I am going to give shorter writing activities.

  2. During my practice teaching ,I had different kinds of positive and negative experiences .However,there are some significant ones that I will explain to you which contributed to my personal and professional development.For example,I tried to give the students different kinds of activities and I observed that they are attending and participating to the lesson better after some time later.Also,different kinds of students were answering to the questions and different kinds of students were giving really nice answers both to my questions and the questions in the activities.It was a really satisfying situation and improvement for me.
    The negative experience :Sometimes the students were making lots of notice especially at the back of the class.During my teaching,I really had hard times both to teach the lesson effectively and to manage the classroom.The students were not taking notes when I asked them to write the words down on their notebook.They were making noise and talking to each other.

  3. In my all practice teachings, I encountered many experiences both negative and positive.

    The positive experience I gained was to reach my students as much as I can. I realized that the most important matter was to find common taste with my students. Besides, if they feel that you want to enjoy the classroom with them, they help you do your lesson in a peaceful environment. My learners were very nice, delicate and polite students. That's why I did not feel stressed or unhappy in any of my practice teachings.

    The negative experience was that in one of my practice teachings, I happened to expect more from my students since I did not know very well about their level. At this point, I needed to slow down and went over the subject once more.

    All in all, both positive and negative experiences showed me the real teaching process in life.

  4. I learned that teachers came across positive experience and unexpected negative experience during the lesson.

    Positive Experience: I learned that students were willing to participate in class as long as the lesson was well-prepared. I also observed that students did their best to finish the task correctly. Seeing their effort was remarkably important for me. Although they had exams sometimes, they tried to listen to my lesson attentively, and participated in doing the activities.

    Negative Experiences: Sometimes, students at the back wanted to play chess during the class time, and I had to warn them several times to take away chess board. While they were playing chess, their coursebooks also closed. I told them to open their books and listen to the lesson. Then, they stopped playing chess, and participated in the lesson.

    In general, I learned that students management and motivation was important to go on the lesson. Students’ distractions should be solved to continue to the subject.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Positive experince; I’ve always thought that in practice having students in groups make the classroom management stressful and hard. However, in my experiences I have seen that by giving the right instructions and the aim of the activity you can manage everything. When students know what they are doing and know how to reach their aim at the end of the activity, they perfectly do their group work as I have experienced and saw in my practice teaching.
    Negative experince; I have a bad memory and it is really hard to memorize every single students’ name. During my teachings, it got really hard to name the students and I usually pointed students out and said ^^you ^^. However, I knew some of their names and when I called their names during my teachings, they directly answered my questions carefully and became more interested in the lesson. With this experince, I have learned that knowing the names of your students’ is very important in taking their attention and they start to care more about the lesson.

  7. To start with a negative experience, I have learned that I should prepare a contingency plan for any cases. For instance, in my final teaching, I prepared a listening section for the last 10 minutes and wanted to make the students listen to a song and fill in the blank while listening. I knew that every class had an Internet connection. However, I couldn't connect to the Internet in that class before the listening activity. Since I hadn't make any contingency plans, I couldn't decide what to do and this situation distracted the attention of the students.
    As a positive experience, I have realized that when I used proper materials-according to their interests- I saw that taking the students' attention is not that difficult. I have learned that appropriate materials lead the teacher and the students have fun and relax.

  8. A negative experience that I found important personally was the reluctance that a class had towards speaking English. When their teacher is teaching, she makes fun of the mistakes that students do while speaking, and lets other students make fun of the mistakes too. Making fun on one hand, since the jokes are not very humiliating, gives a positive atmosphere in the classroom through laughter. But what I saw was that students gave up speaking as much as they could so that they wouldn’t need to bare the feeling of being laughed at. The end result that I saw was that, students knew English very well, but they had no confidence to use it.
    On the other hand, the sisterly attitude of the teacher allowed for her to have a very good communication with her students. And the students held no grudge to their teacher for being laughed at when they made a mistake.

  9. I definetely can understand their psychological needs; that's positive..

    I definetely should check my materials beforehand not to confuse in front of the class and need to act if I am testing them :)
