Saturday, June 11, 2011

The metaphorical image of a teacher

Dear FLE 404 members,
In this assignment you need to define an English teacher from your own perspective using a metaphor or a simile and illustrate your definition by giving examples and providing details. For example, an English teacher is (like)a facilitator because he/she is in a position to help students achieve their maximum potential in their own learning process and to manage their learning process and to direct them to find ways to discover their own learning styles, their favourite ways of learning and to be successful.He is also a role model that student aspires to imitate in that he/she sets up a good example of a good language learner.


  1. An English teacher is like a guide and helper. She helps and leads them towards the right answers. An English teacher is also a learner, she has to know that she also is going to learn many things from the students. An English teacher is an actress because she will demonstrate and act out many vocabulary items using her body and facial expressions.

  2. In my opinion,an effective and successful English teacher should be like a guide and instructor because the teacher can give all of the rules and instructions to the students for the lesson and the things covered in the lesson. Also,the teacher should be in a position to help the students to learn all of the things taught in the lesson.Therefore,the teacher should teach his/her lesson according to the level of the students in the class. Moreover,the teacher should try to understand the feelings and psychology of the students so that he/she can approach and teach the students according to their understanding and their motion.

  3. An English teacher is an inspiration which has influence over the student's language, culture and future career.

    Since English language is a necessary skill to possess in the 21st century, all English teachers have a very important role to show it to her/his learners. Learners should be taught with the aim of accomplishing an English level.

    Besides, an English teacher inspires her/her learners to get along with the English culture. A teacher has a significant role in inviting the learners to a different world, a different culture.

  4. An English teacher is like sculptor because she is in the position to shape students’ ideas and learning. She efficiently works to reach the final outcome.She prepares materials and the materials shape in students’ mind. In each class, the results of teaching can be different, but the result aims to learn something from the materials. Although the outcomes show differences, all of them can have meaningful features. Therefore, teacher can give different impressions in different classes. Students’ feelings and motivation cannot be the same, but the main figure is to influence them with the help of the activities. Students inspire the outcome of the lesson, and they involve in learning.

  5. I think, an English teacher is like a cook and discovers numerous types of tastes while knowing their ingredients (students) and creates wonderful dishes with them. Since 'teaching' does not only refer to subject teaching, it also refers to teaching skills about life itself, it requires to know the students themselves, their inner selfs, and their opinions about life and people in their minds and hearts.

  6. I think an English teacher is like a painter because first he/she should think and create his or her lessons’ image in their minds then practice it . Since teaching does not appear immediately, an english teacher should design ,create and practice his or her lessons before hand. Also a creative teacher helps her students to be creative and improve their thinking abilities.

  7. If we think of the students’ minds as glass, the teacher should not only be the person who fills the glass, but also gives shape to the glass. I like glass making because the real art of teaching is making students go beyond the limits that education sets. Besides filling the students (the glass) with information, what a teacher must do is to create (shape) students (glass) that can learn more than what they are taught.
    A lighthouse is also a nice metaphor. A respectable towerly figure that shows the students how to get around and through life.

  8. If students remember you well after a very long time, I believe that you are a good teacher! When you respond their needs and psychology, it is easy to deserve their love. A good teacher makes students happy, comfortable and intellectually competant. I believe to see them as a person before students!
