Saturday, June 11, 2011

A good lesson that you have taught

Dear FLE 404 members,
For this assignment you need to describe a good lesson that you have taught in the practice teaching period. You need to explain the significance of this lesson for you within all the teaching tasks that you have done(i.e., why did you choose this lesson), what makes this lesson effective, what you learnt from this lesson, the strenghts of the lesson and the points to improve in this lesson. You need to justify your arguments by giving examples from the lesson that you refer to.


  1. My first teaching experience was very effective. I taught some vocabulary items via a reading text. They underlined the words that they do not know in the text, I wrote them on the board. The words were the ones that I expected to be so I used a prezi presentation to explain and demonstrate the words and gave clear example sentences so that the students could understand them better. Later they had a fill in the blanks activity with those words. I understood that they learned the words well in the next lesson, because all the students used the new learned vocabulary items to form sentences in writing and speaking. I am proud that I succeeded to teach something to my students.

  2. In my opinion the best teaching of me during my teaching practice in our training school was my teaching task 3.Because the topic was familiar to me and I was very interested to the topic,I thought that I prepared my lesson plan much more beautiful and better than my other teaching tasks.The topic was about the types of music and the types of musical instruments so I really loved the topic and the activities very much.Because I played guitar approximately 6 years ago and I was going to guitar course with my brother.But then,I had to give it up and I couldn't go to course any more.At the beginning of my lesson,I mentioned about my experiences to the students then I asked them some questions including their own ideas about music and musical instruments.I also prepared vocabulary activity about the types of musical instruments and I put the pictures of the devices so that they can learn better and complete the exercise easily and quickly.Also,I taught them a new grammar structure and then I asked them to write a small paragraph including the new grammar structure and the new words that we have learned in the lesson. most of them wrote about their experiences,their desires and intentions about what they will do and what they will play...

  3. Among my three practice teachings, the first one was the most remarkable and effective one that I prepared and performed.

    I believe that it worked very well as I imagined, because I trusted on my work. Besides, the topic was quite familiar to the learners' interests. It was about technology in the 21st century. They were supposed to go through some grammar activities with the help of previous reading passage. There was a balanced and friendly atmosphere in the classroom. The learners enjoyed very much. They were active physically by sticking the colorful linking words papers on the board and achieved chocolate as positive feedback.

    Next, writing is my favorite skill in English Language Teaching and I helped and monitored my learners write a passage about technology with the help of linking words and the previous reading passage.

    Overall, it was a productive and dynamic lesson for myself and my students. In the end, I indicated that it was my first experience of teaching, but they helped me in many terms and it would remain in my memory in my lifetime.

  4. I think that my last teaching experience was very effective. I started to the subject through video that was about one of the popular computer games (The Sims). Students watched the video to find out what the woman had done. The woman did housework, and students said household jobs that they had seen. Then, I continued with the vocabulary part. I showed some pictures. Students guessed the word and then completed the words with an appropriate verb. Therefore, students learned the collocations related to the household jobs.
    Then, I went on the lesson with personal quiz. Students did the personal quiz about the household jobs. In the quiz, the present perfect tense and its time phrases were frequently mentioned. I asked the use of the present perfect tense sentences that mentioned in the personal quiz. They knew the subject, and they answered them correctly. Then, I asked the participle form of the verbs that they had known. On the board, I wrote the participle verbs that they had said. After that, they did practice activities related to time phrase in the present perfect tense. At the end of the lesson, I showed a song. It was the combination of different songs, and all the lyrics were written in the present perfect tense.
    In general, it was an enjoyable and successful lesson for me to teach because students listen to the lesson attentively, so effective lesson occurred with the help of my preparations and students’ participation.

  5. In my third teaching I took the 11th graders and it went really good because I realized that I am comfortable with teenagers. They were so noisy but we did a little chat with them and they stayed silent till the end of the class. They, then, commented that my lesson has been the best English lesson they have seen. The whole class including my mentor teacher and I laughed after I heard this comment :)

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