Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hot spots

In a discussion of teacher beliefs and intentions, Woods (1996)refers to 'hotspots' -that is, areas where a teacher's intentions or beliefs about ES/EF teaching don't fully match their actions. Do you have any such? Try using the following frameworks to make your own hot spot statements (you also need to provide further details about the issue that you raise):
a) I am pretty sure that ------ would be a good thing to try, but I haven't figured out how to work it into my teaching yet because----
b) I've read research which states that ----------- is beneficial, but I know I'm still doing ------ as--------.
c) I really believe in the value of --------------- and I'd like to incorporate it in the curriculum,but if I did so I'm afraid I'd lose my job/get into trouble/meet resistance from parents or students in that /in the sense that --------------

A video on an effective English class

Dear FLE 404 members,
In this assignment, you need to find a video from YouTube,or TeacherTube on an effective English class from your own perspective. You need to illustrate and justify your points by giving examples. You need to focus on the following points:
a)In what ways do you think it is an effective English class?
b)In what ways do you find the teacher's teaching style, methods and techniques,his/her interaction with students effective?

You also need to illustrate the weak points of the teacher and the ineffective aspects of the lesson. You need to give the link to the video as well.

Your strengths and weak points as a prospective English teacher

Dear FLE 404 members,
In this assignment, you need to critically analyze, describe and illustrate your strengths and weak points as a prospective English teacher. You need to give examples from your practice teaching experiences to illustrate the points that you make. You also need to illustrate what you are planning to do to improve your weak points as an English teacher.

Your approach to teaching grammar and language skills

Dear FLE 404 members,
In this assignment, as a prospective English teacher, you need to describe your approach to teaching English grammar and teaching language skills (i.e., how you prefer to present grammar points, how you prefer to teach language skills, your difficulties in teaching grammar points and language skills while teaching English,your students' difficulties in learning grammar and skills). Please give examples from your experiences in the practice teaching schools.

You as a teacher

Dear FLE 404 members,
In this assignment you need to describe your own teaching identity as an English teacher. To be more specific, you need to describe what kind of a teacher you are, what your likes and dislikes as a teacher are, your teaching style, your style of interaction with your students, your teaching approaches, your favourite teaching activities, your own role(s) as a teacher in the English

The metaphorical image of a teacher

Dear FLE 404 members,
In this assignment you need to define an English teacher from your own perspective using a metaphor or a simile and illustrate your definition by giving examples and providing details. For example, an English teacher is (like)a facilitator because he/she is in a position to help students achieve their maximum potential in their own learning process and to manage their learning process and to direct them to find ways to discover their own learning styles, their favourite ways of learning and to be successful.He is also a role model that student aspires to imitate in that he/she sets up a good example of a good language learner.

Descriptions of a positive and a negative learning experience that you have had in the practice teaching

Dear FLE 404 members,
In this assignment, you need to describe a positive learning experience and a negative one during your practice teaching period that you think have played a significant role in your professional and personal development during your practice teaching by providing details and examples. You need to illustrate what you learnt from these experiences, in what ways these experiences are significant and critical in your professional and personal development and in what ways they contributed to you, in what ways you think these experiences have affected your teacher identity.

A good lesson that you have taught

Dear FLE 404 members,
For this assignment you need to describe a good lesson that you have taught in the practice teaching period. You need to explain the significance of this lesson for you within all the teaching tasks that you have done(i.e., why did you choose this lesson), what makes this lesson effective, what you learnt from this lesson, the strenghts of the lesson and the points to improve in this lesson. You need to justify your arguments by giving examples from the lesson that you refer to.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Dear SUNY-TEFL 490 members,
In this post, you need to describe TWO puzzling teaching/learning situations that you have experienced in the practice teaching school in detail, which you find hard to understand and to take action against (an event which you do not know what to do). It can be concerned with some aspects of your own practice teaching practice, the learning process of the students in your practice teaching classes, the mentor teachers' classroom practice, their attitudes towards students,their philosophy of teaching,the student behaviour in class, or your own questions about how to act in a certain classroom-related situation. You need to do this task individually.You also need to make some suggestions for TWO OF YOUR CLASSMATES' PUZZLES.